So you get all the baseline data on ongoing monitoring Mr. Nathan Cullen: My question is more of a process one in the sense of why go through this formation of another monitoring group, particularly when the situation presented to this Parliament was that the taps essentially would be turned on, and mitigating effects would be sought afterwards?The filtration system presented initially was condemned by most on this side of the border, and our government seemed very keen on getting a referral to you in order for some sort of stability and certainty to be presented to the people of Manitoba.
Vous aurez donc toutes les données de base sur la surveillance permanente. M. Nathan Cullen: Ma question concerne davantage le processus, c'est-à-dire pourquoi former un autre groupe de surveillance, particulièrement du fait que ce qui a été présenté au Parlement, c'est que les robinets seraient essentiellement ouverts et que des mesures d'atténuation seraient prises par la suite?