D. whereas in its preliminary report the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission stated that the parliamentary elections that took place in the Republic of Moldova on 5 April 2009 represented a notable improvement in terms of overall organisation of the elections but the authorities failed to guarantee equal access of the media to all parties concerned and serious concerns were expressed about government abuse of administrative resources for the benefit of candidates of the ruling party,
D. considérant que, selon le rapport préliminaire de la mission d'observation électorale de l'OSCE/BIDDH, les progrès dans l'organisation générale des élections sont notables, mais que les autorités n'ont pas garanti à toutes les parties intéressées un accès égal aux médias, et que l'utilisation abusive par le gouvernement de ressources administratives au profit des candidats sortants suscite de graves préoccupations,