It is all well and good for it to congratulate itself on progress made during the past five years, particularly with regard to the establishment of a common asylum and immigration policy, the harmonisation of border controls and improvements to judicial cooperation, yet it would have only been fair to include references to the obstacles which certain Member States have placed in the way of progress in the field of justice and to note that only a minimum level of harmonisation in the field of asylum has been achieved.
En effet, s’il se félicite des avancées des cinq dernières années, notamment en ce qui concerne les fondements d’une politique commune d’asile et d’immigration, l’harmonisation des contrôles aux frontières et l’amélioration de la coopération judiciaire, il serait juste cependant de faire référence aux obstacles que certains États membres mettent aux avancées dans le domaine de la justice.