But I think one of the problems—and this goes back to my earlier point about whether we're considered to be partners and working together or simply purveyors of service—is that I'm not sure there has been real thinking within the department about what's going to happen to the organizations that normally receive support from us if we suddenly stop. Thinking about our staff, if I suddenly decided not to pay people for six months and didn't tell them, there would be problems with mortgages and putting food on the table and things like that, and I would probably have to have some conversations before doing that.
D'après mois, l'un des problèmes—et j'en reviens un peu au voeu que j'ai émis plus tôt, c'est-à-dire celui d'être considérés comme des partenaires oeuvrant dans le cadre d'un objectif commun et non comme de simples prestataires de service—l'un des problèmes, dis-je, est que je ne suis pas sûre qu'au sein du ministère on ait vraiment réfléchi à ce qui arrivera aux organisations qui, normalement, touchaient une subvention, si ce type de financement s'arrête tout d'un coup.