I was at the mental health champi
ons awards, I think they're called, one evening last week, and there was an individual there whose last name was Batten. He's
now leading a very productive life, but he told a heart-wrenching story, when he accepted his award, of being incarcerated and spending a lot of his time in solitary confinement, until somebody took an interest in his issue and his mental health problems
...[+++]and addiction problems.
Il y avait là une personne du nom de Batten qui mène maintenant une vie productive, mais qui, après avoir reçu son prix, nous a parlé de sa vie, nous a conté une histoire déchirante, celle d'un homme incarcéré qui a passé beaucoup de temps en isolement cellulaire, jusqu'à ce que quelqu'un s'intéresse à ses problèmes de santé mentale et de toxicomanie.