Large quantities of adulterated butter were seized, and there were numerous arrests and detentions in Italy and France. The enquiries carried out by the District Antimafia Branch (Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia) of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Naples District Court (Procura della Repubblica presso il Tribunale di Napoli) and by the Italian Revenue Police (Guardia di Finanza: the Special Community Fraud Squad (Nucleo Speciale Repressione Frodi Communitar
ie) and the Caserta Provincial Command (Comando Provinciale di Caserta)) also made it possible to identify distributors of the adulterated goods, dealers, shippers, suppliers of
...[+++] the false invoices used to disguise the sale of the adulterated butter, and officials of the bodies responsible for supervising the industry who had accepted bribes.
Les enquêtes de la Direzione Distrettuale Antimafia de la Procura della Repubblica de Naples et de la Guardia di Finanza italienne (Nucleo Speciale Repressionne Frodi Comunitarie e Comando Provinciale di Caserta) ont également permis de repérer les distributeurs des substances de frelatage, les chefs d'entreprises, les transporteurs, les auteurs de fausses factures émises pour dissimuler la commercialisation des substances de frelatage, ainsi que certains fonctionnaires corrompus appartenant aux organismes chargés d'effectuer les contrôles dans ce secteur.