It is moved by Mr. MacKenzie (Motion agreed to) The Chair: Next is the motion for the good old rotation: that at the discr
etion of the chair, witnesses be given ten minutes to make their opening statement; and that at the discretion of th
e chair, during the questioning of witnesses the time allocated to each party be as follows: first round, seven minutes, Liberal, Bloc Québécois, NDP, Conservative; second round, five minutes, Liberal, Conservative, Bloc Québécois, Conservative, Liberal, NDP; and that if there is a third round of q
...[+++]uestioning, the committee will revert to the same order as in the second round; and that when a minister is in attendance, the order and time allocation for questioning witnesses be the same as above, with the exception that in the first round of questioning, ten minutes be allocated to each party.La motion est déposée par M. MacKenzie (La motion est adoptée). Le président: Viens ensuite la motion portant sur la rotation qui indique ce qui suit: que, à la discrétion de la présidence, les témoins disposent de dix minutes pour faire leur déclaration préliminaire et que, à la discrétion de la présidence, le temps soit alloué de la façon suivante à chaque parti: première série de sept minutes, Parti libéral, Bloc québécois, NPD et Parti conservateur.