25 (1) Where a ship and cargo have been seized under subsection 23(1) and proceedings that could result in an order that the ship and cargo be forfeited have been instituted, the court in or before which the proceedings have been instituted may, with the consent of the Governor in Council, order redelivery of the ship and cargo, to the person from whom they were seized, on the giving of security to Her Majesty in right of Canada by bond, with two sureties, in an amount and form satisfactory to the Governor in Council.
25 (1) À toute étape de la poursuite, le tribunal ou le juge peut, avec le consentement du gouverneur en conseil, ordonner la remise au saisi du navire et de sa cargaison, sur fourniture à Sa Majesté du chef du Canada d’une garantie — liant deux cautions — dont le montant et la forme sont acceptables au gouverneur en conseil.