Although the battle group was based on the Third Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, it also consisted of Charlie Company, from the Second Battalion PPCLI, the reconnaissance squadron of Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians), one of the Canadian army's armoured regiments, a squadron of Sappers from 1 Combat Engineer Regiment, a mortar platoon from the First Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery and a large cadre of combat and combat service support personnel from across Canada.
Bien que le Groupement tactique ait eu pour fondement le 3 Bataillon, Princess Patricia Canadian Light Infantry, il comprenait aussi la compagnie C du 2 PPCLI, l'escadron de reconnaissance du Lord Strathcona's Horse (Royal Canadians), un des régiments blindés de l'Armée canadienne, un escadron de sapeurs du 1 Régiment du génie, un peloton de mortiers du 1 Régiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery et un vaste cadre de personnel de combat et de soutien logistique de combat venant de partout au Canada.