The Madrid Summit stressed that the top common priority of both regions is to strengthen the multilateral system on the basis of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and international law.In particular, we underline the importance of
the WTO as the main forum for promotion of trade liberalisation and the establi
shment of the basic rules and disciplines for the necessary regulation of the international trade system. The removal of trade barriers, based on stronger more transparent multila
teral rule ...[+++]s, allows everyone to benefit from the comparative advantages of their respective economies and fosters competitive integration in world trade and reduces the scope for protectionism The Doha Development Agenda launched in 2001 should bring benefits to all WTO members by increasing international trade and economic growth.
L'élimination des entraves aux échanges, sur la base de règles multilatérales plus transparentes et plus rigoureuses, permet de tirer parti des avantages comparatifs respectifs de chaque économie, favorise l'intégration compétitive dans le commerce mondial et limite les possibilités de protectionnisme.