The Commission is focusing on three sectors : high-technology projects, in particular those representing the industrial follow- up to joint research programmes which the Community has helped to finance; innovatory small and medium-sized busi
nesses; and large- scale infrastructure projects/.- 2 - HIGH-TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS The Community has already launched a number of research and development projects (ESPRIT, BRITE and RACE programmes), and is about to contribute to others (in the context of EUREKA), which all involve cooperation on a massive scale between firms in several countries in the early stages of the process leading from resear
...[+++]ch to industrial application.La Commission met l'accent sur t
rois secteurs : les projets de haute technologie, notamment ceux qui constituent le "suivi" industriel des programmes de recherche en commun co- finances par la Communaute; les petites et moyennes entreprises innovatric
es; et les grandes infrastructures. PROJETS DE HAUTE TECHNOLOGIE La Communaute a lance -- programmes ESPRIT, BRITE, RACE -- ou va participer a -- dans le cadre d'EUREKA -- une serie de projets de recherche et de developpement caracterises par une vaste cooperation entre entreprises de p
...[+++]lusieurs pays, en amont dans la chaine qui va de la recherche a l'industrialisation.