One of the issues that has been raised in this province is a really strong concern about the fleet separation policy and the intrusion of plant owners who are, through trust arrangements, buying out fishing enterprises or effectively controlling fishing enterprises, thereby preventing independent operators of fishing enterprises and circumventing the fleet separation policy. The issue that Mr. Randell has contended is that in order to provide safety to fishermen at sea, it's not so much of a hull requirement, it's more of vessel length or size requirement.
Dans cette province, on a manifesté de très vives inquiétudes concernant la politique de séparation des flottilles ainsi que l'intrusion de propriétaires d'usines qui, grâce à des contrats de fiducie, rachètent des entreprises de pêche ou les contrôlent, et qui arrivent ainsi à empêcher qu'il y ait des exploitants indépendants et à contourner la politique de séparation des flottilles.