Let us remember the initial positions of some Members of this Parliament in the face of increasing concern in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, in the face of demonstrations against the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), in the face of warning signals from NGOs from the North as well as the South, when we were demanding that the priority in these agreements should be development, something that seems obvious today, as the Commission is constantly repeating it.
Souvenons-nous des premières prises de position de certains députés de ce Parlement face à l’inquiétude croissante dans les pays ACP, face aux manifestations anti-APE, face aux signaux d’alerte envoyés par les ONG du Nord comme du Sud, lorsque nous demandions que la priorité de ces accords soit le développement, chose qui semblerait presque évidente aujourd’hui, tant la Commission ne cesse de le répéter.