Break down," she once told us, " the construct of self, the seeing self, the self as unself-conscious observer in the poem, as poetic voice!" Having dispensed with the lyric I, her writing enacts attentiveness, knowing that all observation entails the risk of failure, that the poetic " image" is only a hopeless sign with which we try to persuade ourselves that we are in control of some world we can go to sleep in.
« Break down, nous a-t-elle dit un jour, the construct of self, the seeing self, the self as unself-conscious observer in the poem, as poetic voice! » Débarrassée du « moi » lyrique, son écriture est pure attention, même si la poète sait que toute observation entraîne un risque d’échec, que l’image poétique n’est qu’un moyen désespéré par lequel nous essayons de nous persuader que nous maîtrisons le monde et que tout va très bien.