(i) in Manitoba, the Rural Municipalities of Albert, Alonsa, Archie, Argyle, Armstrong, Arthur, Bifrost, Birtle, Blanshard, Brenda, Cameron, Clanwilliam, Coldwell, Cornwallis, Daly, Dauphin, Edward, Ellice, Elton, Eriksdale, Ethelbert, Fisher, Gilbert Plains, Gimli, Glenella, Glenwood, Grahamdale, Grandview, Hamiota, Harrison, Hillsburg, Kelsey, Lakeview, Langford, Lansdowne, Lawrence, Louise, McCreary, Miniota, Minitonas, Minto, Morton, Mossey River, Mountain, North Cypress, Oakland, Ochre River, Odanah, Park, Pipestone, Riverside
, Roblin, Rockwood, Rosedale, Rossburn, Russell, Saskatchewan, Shell River, Shellmouth-Boulton, Shoal Lake
, Sifton, ...[+++]Siglunes, Silver Creek, South Cypress, St. Laurent, Ste. Rose, Strathclair, Strathcona, Swan River, Turtle Mountain, Wallace, Westbourne, Whitehead, Whitewater, Winchester, Woodlands and Woodworth, the town of Grand Rapids and the Manitoba Census Consolidated Subdivision no. 19 (unorganized), as that subdivision was developed by Statistics Canada for the 2001 Census,(i) au Manitoba, les municipalités rurales de Albert, Alonsa, Archie, Argyle, Armstrong, Arthur, Bifrost, Birtle, Blanshard, Brenda, Cameron, Clanwilliam, Coldwell, Cornwallis, Daly, Dauphin, Edward, Ellice, Elton, Eriksdale, Ethelbert, Fisher, Gilbert Plains, Gimli, Glenella, Glenwood, Grahamdale, Grandview, Hamiota, Harrison, Hillsburg, Kelsey, Lakeview, Langford, L
ansdowne, Lawrence, Louise, McCreary, Miniota, Minitonas, Minto, Morton, Mossey River, Mountain, North Cypress, Oakland, Ochre River, Odanah, Park, Pipestone, Riverside, Roblin, Rockwood, Rosedale, Rossburn, Russell, Sainte-Rose, Saint-Laurent, Saskatchewan, Shellmouth-Boult
...[+++]on, Shell River, Shoal Lake, Sifton, Siglunes, Silver Creek, South Cypress, Strathclair, Strathcona, Swan River, Turtle Mountain, Wallace, Westbourne, Whitehead, Whitewater, Winchester, Woodlands et Woodworth, la ville de Grand Rapids et la subdivision de recensement unifiée n 19 (territoire non érigé en municipalité) créée par Statistique Canada pour les besoins du recensement de 2001,