A great deal of progress has been made over the course of the unification of the European Union, but there has never been a treaty like the Treaty of Lisbon, in which the parliaments – both the European Parliament and the national parliaments – have been strengthened, democracy has been strengthened, a citizens’ initiative has been introduced and the principle of subsidiarity has been politically and legally strengthened through the strengthening of national parliaments.
Des progrès considérables ont été réalisés tout au long de l’unification européenne, mais il n’y a jamais eu de traité comme le traité de Lisbonne, qui renforce les parlements, tant le Parlement européen que les parlements nationaux, qui renforce la démocratie, qui instaure l’initiative citoyenne et qui, en renforçant les parlements nationaux, consolide politiquement et juridiquement le principe de subsidiarité.