To see people who recently were in the news who were well into their eighties speaking publicly about coming out of the darkness of illiteracy and being able to finally contribute and be a full-fledged citizen is something that not only tugs one's heart strings but, more important, it allows us to understand the importance of these programs. We had the government with this proposition in opposition, which said that when we have a surplus of Canadians' money, not the Liberal Party's money, not the Conservative Party's money, not the Bloc's money and not the NDP's money, we should be able to debate this.
L'association communautaire vietnamienne, par exemple, avait amassé de l'argent pour un programme d'emploi d'été et, avec un peu d'argent du gouvernement fédéral, elle pouvait offrir à des jeunes la possibilité de contribuer à son travail, qui consiste à aider des gens.