Mr. Ching, I hope I don't misinterpret what it was you were saying, but I thought you were making a statement that came as close as anyone could come to suggesting that perhaps, given its record, the CRTC's ability to ensure there would be Canadian programming is, given the convergence issue, probably a figment of the imagination of those who would still sustain the CRTC concept.
Monsieur Ching, j'espère que je ne vous ai pas mal compris, mais j'ai eu l'impression que vous vouliez pratiquement dire que, vu le passé du CRTC, dans ce contexte de convergence, les gens qui s'imaginent que le CRTC pourrait continuer à s'assurer qu'on maintient une programmation sont des nostalgiques du CRTC qui rêvent en couleur.