One amendment, which was rejected in committee, calls President Arafat an obstacle; I would have been tempted to vote in favour of that amendment if its author had treated Arafat and Sharon in the same way, and I would have given it my full support if it had stated that the Bush-Sharon relationship is currently making sure that the deadly status quo and the stagnation in the Middle East remain in place.
Dans un amendement, rejeté en commission, Arafat était qualifié d’obstacle; j’aurais été tenté de voter en faveur de cet amendement, si son auteur avait associé Arafat et Sharon, et mon adhésion aurait été complète s’il avait précisé que le couple Bush-Sharon constitue, à l’heure actuelle, la garantie du maintien du statu quo meurtrier et de l’immobilisme au Proche-Orient.