- EAEC specific research programmes will be focused on - Nuclear fission safety, with the following research areas - Reactor safety - Safeguards and fissile materials management - Radioactive waste management and - Actinides in nuclear fuel cycle
safety - Controlled thermonuclear fusion Amongst the new activities requested by Commission services as scientific and technical support are: - European Centre for Alternative Testing Methods (alternative to vivisection), to be implemented by the JRC Environment Institute (Ispra) - On-Site Laboratories for Nuclear Safeguards Analyses, to be operatered by the JRC Institute for Transuranium Elemen
...[+++]ts (Karlsruhe) The total expenditure for these projects is estimated at ECU 190 million for the 1992-1994 period.- EAEC specific research programmes will be focussed on - Nuclear fission safety which will contain the following research areas - Reactor Safety, - Safeguards and Fissile Materials Management - Radioactive Waste Management and - Actinides in Nuclear Fuel Cycle S
afety. - Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion Amongst the new activities requested by Commission services as Scientific and Technical Support are: - European Centre for Alternative Testing Methods (alternative to vivisection), to be implemented by the JRC Environment Institute (Ispra), - On-Site Laboratories for Nuclear Safeguards Analyses, to be operated by the JRC Institute for Tran
...[+++]suranium Elements (Karlsruhe). The total for these projects is estimated at 190 Mioecus for the 1992- 1994 period.