I would suggest to you that while the language issue is an extremely important one in this country, and one that I recognize, and while I suggest to you that we could have done a better job in dealing with that issue at the team reception, I would like you to look at the national unity issue, which you say is an extension of the language issue, in the context of what this Olympic team did for national unity by their performance in Nagano and by the reception of the Canadian public for that performance.
La question linguistique est extrêmement importante au Canada, je le reconnais et, même si nous aurions pu faire mieux sur ce plan lors de la réception, j'aimerais que vous considériez l'unité nationale qui est, selon vous, le prolongement de la question linguistique, dans le contexte de ce que l'équipe olympique a fait pour l'unité nationale à Nagano et la façon dont le public canadien a perçu sa performance.