Of the 118 Italian projects: - 64 relate to the modernisation of vessels of which 19 are located in the North of Italy (Liguria, Toscana, Lazio-North, Marche-North, Emilia Romagna, Veneto) and 45 are located in the South of Italy, Lazio-South, Campania, Calabria, Sicilia, Sardegna, Puglia, Abruzzi, Molise, Marche-South), - 42 relate to the construction of vessels of which 6 are located in the North and 36 in the South.
Sur les 118 projets italiens : - 64 concernent la modernisation de navires dont 19 intéressent le nord de l'Italie (Ligurie, Toscane, Latium septentrionale, Marche septentrionale, Emilie Romagne, Vénétie) et 45 le sud de l'Italie (Latium sud, Campanie, Calabre, Sicile, Sardaigne, Pouilles, Abruzzes, Molise, Marche méridionale). - 42 concernent la construction de navires dont 6 intéressent le nord et 36 le sud.