he last thing I would want to do is imply that Mr. Koziebrocki, when he testified, was—how should
I put it—making the case that this is something that cannot be
done as a matter of principle, because quite frankly, his association, the association he was representing before
this committee, was involved in the consultations and
...[+++]gave basically their blessing to what was being attempted on the part of the government when the consultations took place.
Je ne voudrais surtout pas laisser entendre que M. Koziebrocki, lors de son témoignage, a fait valoir que—comment dirais-je—par principe, il n'est pas possible de procéder de la sorte, parce que, honnêtement, son association, l'association qu'il représentait devant votre comité, a participé aux consultations et a donné son accord à ce que tentait de faire le gouvernement pendant les consultations.