I would say our banks have been.If you look at the track record over the last 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, I think it's very clear that our banks—while they have been interested in expanding and have done so—have done it in a very cautious way. You read comment after comment from CEOs to say they're not going to rush into this; they're not going to buy it just because it's out there and it's a cheap deal.
Je dirai que nos banques sont.Si l'on regarde le bilan des 10, 15, voire 20 dernières années, je pense qu'il est très clair que nos banques — bien qu'elles aient cherché à prendre de l'expansion et qu'elles soient parvenues à le faire — y sont parvenues en faisant preuve d'une grande prudence.