I would note, as well, that several of the group that was known as the Confederation Poets were actually employed within the government and were allowed to continue to do their work as poets Archibald Lampman, working in the Post Office, William Wilfrid Campbell, who was working at the National Archives, and Duncan Campbell Scott, who had a distinguished career as a poet and eventually Deputy Superintendent of Indian Affairs.
Je signale également que plusieurs membres du groupe connu sous le nom de Poètes de la Confédération ont travaillé au sein du gouvernement en ayant la possibilité de poursuivre leur oeuvre poétique; ainsi, Archibald Lampman travaillait aux Postes, William Wilfrid Campbell travaillait aux Archives nationales et Duncan Campbell Scott, qui fit une carrière remarquable en poésie, a occupé les fonctions de surintendant adjoint aux Affaires indiennes.