44. Reaffirms the need to guarantee universal, effective, non-discriminatory access for persons with disabilities to social protection, social advantages, health care and education, and to the supply of the goods and services which are available to the public, including housing, telecommunications and electronic communications, information – including information provided in accessible formats – financial services, culture and leisure, buildings open to the public, modes of transport and other public areas and facilities;
44. réaffirme le besoin de garantir un accès universel, non discriminatoire et effectif des personnes handicapées à la protection sociale, aux avantages sociaux, aux soins de santé, à l'éducation, ainsi qu'à la fourniture de biens et services disponibles au public: logement, télécommunications et communications électroniques, informations – notamment informations fournies dans des formats accessibles –, services financiers, culture et loisirs, bâtiments ouverts au public, moyens de transport et autres domaines et installations publics;