Citation 877(2) states: In Canada, when a question of privilege was raised concerning the publication of
a committee report before it was presented to the House, the Speaker ruled that the matter could not be resolved as in the British practice because the motion appeared to attack the press for publishing the confidential document but did not attack members of the House for their attitude in respect of their own confidentia
l documents, and in missing this point, it missed something most important with respect to the privileges of the
...[+++] House (1510 ) Where I would like to draw the attention of the House is to the words ``did not attack members of the House for their attitude in respect of their own confidential documents''.
Le commentaire 877(2) affirme en outre: Il est arrivé, au Canada, qu'on a soulevé la question de privilège par suite de la publication du rapport d'un comité avant son dépôt devant la Chambre. Le président de la Chambre avait alors déclaré qu'il lui était impossible de trancher la question suivant l'usage britannique parce que la motion dont il était saisi semblait attaquer la presse, qui avait publié le document confidentiel, sans s'en prendre toutefois à l'attitude des députés vis-à-vis de leurs propres documents confidentiels.