He explained that whenever he returned to Holland, to his family, after serving
in Afghanistan, he would meet people who would ask him, “Why are Dutch soldiers serving in Afg
hanistan today?” He said, “I would always respond the same way, with a question: Why was Canada in Holland during the second world wa
r?” All these years later, the Dutch, the French, the Belgians, many throughout Europe and around the world whose nations were o
...[+++]nce occupied, have not forgotten.Il nous a dit qu'à chaque fois qu'il retourne en Hollande pour voir sa famille, après avoir servi en Afghanistan, des gens lui demandent: « Pourquoi les soldats hollandais sont-ils en Afghanistan aujourd'hui? » Il nous a dit: « Je leur réponds toujours par une question: pourquoi le Canada était-il en Hollande pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale?