They feel that these issues have to be addressed, and if they're not going to be addressed in the WTO itself, there's going to have to be either a supranational organization to do it, of which the WTO will be one, or nation-states will have to retain their sovereignty in order to protect themselves, in which case the WTO won't be able to function, because you won't be able to do everything because the environment and labour and other standards are going to say your goods can't come in because you violate them.
Selon eux, il faut qu'on règle ces questions, et si ce n'est pas l'OMC elle-même qui s'en occupe, ce devra être soit un organisme supranational du genre de l'OMC, ou bien les nations-États devront conserver leur souveraineté pour pouvoir se protéger, et, à ce moment là, l'OMC ne pourra plus fonctionner parce que les diverses normes sur l'environnement, le travail et d'autres domaines vont empêcher l'arrivée de certains produits.