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Alcoholic hallucinosis
Chronic alcoholism Dipsomania Drug addiction
Conduct drug abuse tests
Conducting of drug abuse tests
Conducting of drug and alcohol abuse tests
Delirium tremens
Disorder of personality and behaviour
Drug abuse
Drug abuse tests conduct
Drug addiction
Drug addicts
EU Action Plan on Drugs
EU Action Plan to Combat Drugs
EU Drugs Action Plan
Enforce workplace drug policies
European Union Action Plan on Drugs
European Union Action Plan to Combat Drugs
European Union Drugs Action Plan
Execute workplace drug policies
Fight against drugs
Identify poisons
Implement workplace drug policies
Poison and toxin recognising
Poison drugs
Poisons and toxins identifying
Pompidou Group
Prohibit drug and alcohol use in the workplace
Psychoactive substance abuse
Psychosis NOS
Recognise poisons and toxins

Vertaling van "poison drugs " (Engels → Nederlands) :


Definition: This block contains a wide variety of disorders that differ in severity and clinical form but that are all attributable to the use of one or more psychoactive substances, which may or may not have been medically prescribed. The third character of the code identifies the substance involved, and the fourth character specifies the clinical state. The codes should be used, as required, for each substance specified, but it should be noted that not all fourth character codes are applicable to all substances. Identification of the psychoactive substance should be based on as many sources of information as possible. These include self-report data, analysis of blood and other body fluids, characteristic physical and psychological symptom ...[+++]

Omschrijving: Dit blok omvat een grote verscheidenheid van stoornissen van verschillende ernst en klinische vorm, die evenwel alle aan het gebruik van een of meer psychoactieve middelen, al dan niet op medisch voorschrift, zijn toe te schrijven. De betrokken stof wordt aangegeven door middel van het derde teken van de code en het vierde teken specificeert de klinische toestand; deze codering dient, waar nodig, gebruikt te worden voor elk gespecificeerd middel, met dien verstande dat niet elk vierde teken van toepassing is op elke stof.

accidental overdose of drug, wrong drug given or taken in error, and drug taken inadvertently accidents in the use of drugs, medicaments and biological substances in medical and surgical procedures (self-inflicted) poisoning, when not specified whether accidental or with intent to harm. Follow legal rulings when available (see note at Y10-Y34).

ongevallen bij gebruik van geneesmiddelen en biologische stoffen bij medische en chirurgische verrichtingen | onopzettelijke overdosis van geneesmiddel, onopzettelijke toediening of inname van onjuist geneesmiddel en per ongeluk ingenomen geneesmiddel | zelf teweeggebrachte vergiftiging, waarbij niet is aangegeven of al dan niet sprake is van opzet. Volg wettelijke voorschriften indien van toepassing [zie opmerking bij Y10-Y34]

poisons and toxins identifying | recognise poisons and toxins | identify poisons | poison and toxin recognising

giffen identificeren | giftige stoffen identificeren

drug addiction [ drug abuse | drug-taking | fight against drugs | drug addicts(UNBIS) ]

drugverslaving [ drugbestrijding | druggebruik | gebruik van verdovende middelen ]

EU Action Plan on Drugs | EU Action Plan to Combat Drugs | EU Drugs Action Plan | European Union Action Plan on Drugs | European Union Action Plan to Combat Drugs | European Union Drugs Action Plan

actieplan van de Europese Unie inzake drugsbestrijding | EU-drugsactieplan

execute workplace drug policies | prohibit drug and alcohol use in the workplace | enforce workplace drug policies | implement workplace drug policies

drugsbeleid op de werkplaats implementeren

Cooperation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs | Partial Agreement Cooperation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs | Pompidou Group


conducting of drug and alcohol abuse tests | drug abuse tests conduct | conduct drug abuse tests | conducting of drug abuse tests

tests op drugsmisbruik uitvoeren

Poisoning by drugs, medicaments and biological substances

vergiftiging door geneesmiddelen en biologische stoffen
Ten events were related to tuberculosis and influenza; seven to legionellosis; five to diarrhoea and salmonellosis; four to cholera and measles; three to acute diarrhoea; two to fever, food poisoning, haemorrhagic fever and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis; and one each to cryptosporidiosis, laryngitis, melioidosis, meningitis, mumps, pneumonia, rabies, septicaemia, shigellosis, syphilis, trichinosis and vCJD.

Tien gevallen hadden betrekking op tuberculose en griep, zeven op legionellose, vijf op diarree en salmonellose, vier op cholera en mazelen, drie op acute diarree, twee op koorts, voedselvergiftiging, hemorragische koorts en multiresistente tbc (MDR-TB), en één geval op respectievelijk cryptosporidiose, laryngitis, melioidose, meningitis, bof, pneumonie, rabiës, septikemie, shigellose, syfilis, trichinose en vCJD.
