Authorisation should be granted only if standards equivalent to those provided for in this Directive are met. However, the important role played by existing Euro
pean organ exchange organisations in the exchange of organs between the Member States and third countries participating in such organisations should be taken into account (16) This Directive should respect the fundamental rights and observe the principles recognised in particular by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union [11]. In line with that charter and to take account of, as appropriate the Convention on human rights and biomedicine [12], organ transplantatio
...[+++]n programmes should be founded on the principles of voluntary and unpaid donation, altruism of the donor and solidarity between donor and recipient while ensuring anonymity of the deceased donor and the recipient(s).
Overeenkomstig dat handvest en met inachtneming van het Verdrag inzake de rechten van de mens en de biogeneeskunde[12], voor zover van toepassing, moeten orgaantransplantatieprogramma’s worden gebaseerd op de beginselen van vrijwillige, onbetaalde donatie, het altruïsme van de donor en de solidariteit tussen donor en ontvanger, met garantie van de anonimiteit van de overleden donor en de ontvanger(s).