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2004- 2010
Adverse Effects
Masse de la paroi thoracique
Masse de la structure corporelle
Masse du côlon
Masse du foie
Masse du sein
Masse du visage
Masse hilaire
Masse pulmonaire
Masse surrénalienne
Sensation de masse dans la gorge

Vertaling van "mass screening " (Frans → Nederlands) :


Mass Screening; Prostate Specific Antigen Prostatic Neoplasms

Mass Screening; Prostate-Specific Antigen; Prostatic Neoplasms

Table 5: Update of evidence found in SR and HTA Search Radiation harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Update of HTA (ETMIS) Date 03/05/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms, mammography/ adverse effects, mass screening/ adverse effects Medline Case (156081) (OVID): 2 (689184) Filter 3 Historical (263481) RCT 4 Review of reported (0) 5 Review, (0) 6 or/1-5 (1099551) 7 Breast/ or Breast Diseases/ (30731) 8 Neoplasms/ (216844) 9 7 and 8 (536) 10 exp Breast Neoplasms/ (171800) 11 (breast$ adj5 neoplas$).tw (2557) 12 (breast$ adj5 cancer$).tw (135752) 13 (breast$ adj5 carcin$).tw ...[+++]

Table 3: Update of evidence found in SR and HTA Search Radiation harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Update of HTA (ETMIS) Date 03/05/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms, mammography/ adverse effects, mass screening/ adverse effects Medline Case (156081) (OVID): 2 (689184) Filter 3 Historical (263481) RCT 4 Review of reported (0) 5 Review, (0) 6 or/1-5 (1099551) 7 Breast/ or Breast Diseases/ (30731) 8 Neoplasms/ (216844) 9 7 and 8 (536) 10 exp Breast Neoplasms/ (171800) 11 (breast$ adj5 neoplas$).tw (2557) 12 (breast$ adj5 cancer$).tw (135752) 13 (breast$ adj5 carcin$).tw ...[+++]

Table 4: Search for additional RCTs Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for RCT’s Date 27/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH), mass screening (or early detection) (MESH), mammography (MESH) Medline 1 Randomized controlled trials/ (66083) Medline (OVID): (OVID): 2 Randomized controlled (289038) Filter Filter 3 Random allocation/ (67885) RCT RCT 4 Double blind method/ (105956) 5 Single blind method/ (13834) 6 Clinical (460563) 7 exp clinical trial/ (606505) 8 or/1-7 (718664) 9 (clinic$ adj trial$).tw (146686) 10 ((singl$ or doubl$ or treb$ or tripl$) adj (blind$3 ...[+++]

Table 2: Search for additional RCTs Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for RCT’s Date 27/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH), mass screening (or early detection) (MESH), mammography (MESH) Medline 1 Randomized controlled trials/ (66083) Medline (OVID): (OVID): 2 Randomized controlled (289038) Filter Filter 3 Random allocation/ (67885) RCT RCT 4 Double blind method/ (105956) 5 Single blind method/ (13834) 6 Clinical (460563) 7 exp clinical trial/ (606505) 8 or/1-7 (718664) 9 (clinic$ adj trial$).tw (146686) 10 ((singl$ or doubl$ or treb$ or tripl$) adj (blind$3 ...[+++]

Risk Factors Risicofactoren Facteurs de risque Mass Screening Screening Dépistage

Risk Factors Risicofactoren Facteurs de risque

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Table 3: Search for SR and MA Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for systematic reviews and meta-analysis Date 19/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH) and mass screening (or early detection) (MESH) and mammography (MESH) Medline 1,ti,ab,sh (34320) 27 (1 duplicate) (OVID): 2 1 or (meta anal$ or metaanal$).ti,ab,sh (43943) Filter 3 (methodol$ or systematic$ or quantitativ$).ti,ab,sh.

Table 1: Search for SR and MA Search Benefit and harms of mammography screening (40-49 y) questions Note Specific search for systematic reviews and meta-analysis Date 19/04/2010 Keywords Breast neoplasms (MESH) and mass screening (or early detection) (MESH) and mammography (MESH) Medline 1,ti,ab,sh (34320) 27 (1 duplicate) (OVID): 2 1 or (meta anal$ or metaanal$).ti,ab,sh (43943) Filter 3 (methodol$ or systematic$ or quantitativ$).ti,ab,sh.

Les principaux mots-clé utilisés ont été Âbreast neoplasmsÊ, ÂcarcinomaÊ, Âductal breastÊ,  mass screening  et ÂmammographyÊ.

De meest gebruikte keywords ÂBreast neoplasmsÊ, Âcarcinoma, ductal, breastÂ, Âmass screening en ÂmammographyÊ.

[review]/lim AND ([dutch]/lim OR [english]/lim OR [french]/lim) AND [female]/lim AND [adult]/lim AND [2004- 2010]/py Breast neoplasms (MESH) and early detection (MESH) and mammography (MESH) and limit 2004-2010 Breast neoplasms (MESH) and mass screening (MESH) and mammography (MESH) and limit 2004-2010

[french]/lim) AND [female]/lim AND [adult]/lim AND [2004- 2010]/py Breast neoplasms (MESH) and early detection (MESH) and mammography (MESH) and limit 2004-2010 Breast neoplasms (MESH) and mass screening (MESH) and mammography (MESH) and limit 2004-2010

Les revues systématiques (RS) et les méta-analyses (MA) ont été recherchées dans Medline, Embase, la Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, la Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects et le Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL, au moyen des mots clés suivants (MESH terms et texte libre) : Breast neoplasms and mass screening (or early detection) and mammography.

De zoektocht naar systematische reviews (SR) en meta-analyses (MA) vond plaats in Medline, Embase, de Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, de Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects en de Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), door middel van volgende sleutelwoorden (MESH en vrije tekst): Breast neoplasms and mass screening (or early detection) and mammography.

Selon le National Cancer Institute américain, la plupart des directives de screening (un 'screening' est un dépistage en masse d'un type de cancer déterminé dans la population) conviennent pour les personnes infectées par le VIH.

Volgens het Amerikaanse National Cancer Institute zijn de meeste screeningsrichtlijnen – een ‘screening’ is een massale opsporing van een bepaald soort kanker onder de bevolking – geschikt voor mensen die leven met hiv.

Au niveau zonal, toutes les exploitations bloquées sont libérées après un screening de masse excluant toute présence d’influenza.

Op zonaal niveau worden alle geblokkeerde bedrijven vrijgegeven na een massascreening, die de aanwezigheid van influenza in de zone uitsluit.

Anderen hebben gezocht naar : masse de la paroi thoracique     masse de la structure corporelle     masse du côlon     masse du foie     masse du sein     masse du visage     masse hilaire     masse pulmonaire     masse surrénalienne     mass screening     

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Date index: 2021-10-05