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Vertaling van "external action including the rule " (Frans → Nederlands) :

La Commission européenne s'est mise d'accord, à l'initiative de la Belgique sur le texte suivant: « The new European international investment policy should be guided by the principles and objectives of the Union external action including the rule of law, human rights, sustainable development as well as taking into account the other policies of the Union and its member States.

De Europese Commissie heeft op initiatief van België overeenstemming bereikt over de volgende tekst : « The new European international investment policy should be guided by the principles and objectives of the Union external action including the rule of law, human rights, sustainable development as well as taking into account the other policies of the Union and its member States.

Exigences de la fonction Le Conseiller douanes et accises - Avis et ruling dispose des aptitudes et compétences suivantes : - sur le plan des compétences génériques : analyser, intégrer l'information, penser de manière innovante en apportant des idées novatrices et créatives; prendre des décisions à partir d'informations (in)complètes et initier des actions ciblées afin de mettre en oeuvre les décisions; accompagner les autres, sert de modèle et les soutenir dans leur fonctionnement quotidien; avoir de l'impact, négocier pour arriver à une situation " gagnant-gagnant" et convaincre un public; disposer d'une bonne capacité de communication, tant ...[+++]

Vereisten van de functie De Adviseur douane en accijnzen - Advies en ruling beschikt over volgende vaardigheden : - op het vlak van de generieke competenties : analyseren, informatie integreren en vernieuwend denken door innovatieve en creatieve ideeën aan te brengen; nemen van beslissingen op basis van (on)volledige informatie en doelgericht acties ondernemen om de beslissingen uit te voeren; anderen begeleiden, een voorbeeldfunctie uitoefenen en hen ondersteunen in hun dagelijks functioneren; impact hebben, onderhandelen om tot e ...[+++]

8. Proposes an increase in the budgetary resources allocated to action by the EU and the MPCs aimed at combating illegal immigration and strengthening democracy and the rule of law;

8. propose d'augmenter l'effort budgétaire affecté aux actions de l'UE et des PPM destinées à lutter contre l'immigration clandestine et à renforcer la démocratie et l'État de droit;

Une recommandation internationale de la société européenne de cardiologie et du Conseil européen de réanimation confirme cette vision : « Automated external defibrillation does not require establishing a clinical diagnosis and therefore it should be lifted from the list of actions « reserved to doctors ».

Dit wordt ook bevestigd in een internationale aanbeveling van de European Society of Cardiology en de Europese Reanimatieraad : « Automated external defibrillation does not require establishing a clinical diagnosis and therefore it should be lifted from the list of actions « reserved to doctors ».

Une recommandation internationale de la société européenne de cardiologie et du Conseil européen de réanimation confirme cette vision : « Automated external defibrillation does not require establishing a clinical diagnosis and therefore it should be lifted from the list of actions « reserved to doctors ».

Dit wordt ook bevestigd in een internationale aanbeveling van de European Society of Cardiology en de Europese Reanimatieraad : « Automated external defibrillation does not require establishing a clinical diagnosis and therefore it should be lifted from the list of actions « reserved to doctors ».

La Constitution néo-zélandaise (Article 19 : (1) Everyone has the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993 (2) Measures taken in good faith for the purpose of assisting or advancing persons or groups of persons disadvantaged because of discrimination that is unlawful by virtue of part II of the Human Rights Act 1993 do not constitute discrimination), la Constitution canadienne (Article 15(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because ...[+++]

Nieuw-Zeeland (Artikel 19 : (1) Everyone has the right to freedom from discrimination on the grounds of discrimination in the Human Rights Act 1993 (2) Measures taken in good faith for the purpose of assisting or advancing persons or groups of persons disadvantaged because of discrimination that is unlawful by virtue of part II of the Human Rights Act 1993 do not constitute discrimination), Canada (Artikel 15(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race ...[+++]national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability) en Zuid-Afrika (artikel 8,3) voorzien een meer algemene bepaling over positieve actie.

[36] Commission Staff Working Document, Impact Assessment Report, Damages actions for breach of the EU antitrust rules, Strasbourg, 11 juin 2013, SWD(2013) 203 final.

[36] Werkdocument van de diensten van de Commissie, Effectbeoordeling - Schadevorderingen wegens inbreuken op de mededingingsregels van de Unie, SWD(2013) 203 final, Straatsburg 11.6.2013.

Genuine concerns exist about Kosovo’s political stability, the extent of corruption, the influence internally and externally of organized crime and the treatment of minorities including Serbs.

Er zijn ernstige zorgen omtrent de politieke stabiliteit van Kosovo, de mate van corruptie, de interne en externe invloed van de georganiseerde misdaad en de omgang met minderheden waaronder de Serviërs.

Notes that LIFE,once revised, will continue to include actions for countries bordering the Baltic Sea other than the associated CEECs and shall also be open to the associated CEECs in accordance with the conditions referred to in the additional protocols to the association agreements concerning participation in Community programmes with those countries, on the basis of additional credits.

Wijst erop dat LIFE - na herziening - acties zal blijven omvatten voor andere Oostzeelanden dan de geassocieerde LMOE en ook open dient te staan voor de geassocieerde LMOE, in overeenstemming met de voorwaarden, bedoeld in de aanvullende protocollen bij de associatie-overeenkomsten betreffende deelneming aan Gemeenschapsprogramma's met die landen, op basis van aanvullende kredieten.

Expresses the wish that, within the existing financial framework and the decision-making procedures of these instruments, an increase of the share of the contribution to the implementation of environmental priorities in these countries, including priorities set through the national environmental action programme, should be considered.

Uit de wens dat een verhoging van het aandeel van de bijdrage aan de uitvoering van de milieuprioriteiten in die landen, met inbegrip van de prioriteiten die in de nationale milieuactieprogramma's zijn vastgelegd, binnen het bestaande financiële kader en de besluit- vormingsprocedures van die instrumenten in overweging wordt genomen.

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external action including the rule ->

Date index: 2023-06-22