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Traduction de «those directives which contain provisions » (Néerlandais → Allemand) :

Daarbij beklemtoont de Commissie dat de besluiten van de regulerende instantie zelfstandige en onmiddellijk bindende besluiten moeten zijn : ' [...] This is contrary to the provisions of the new Electricity and Gas Directives, which unequivocally establish that the NRA must be able to take decisions autonomously and that its decisions are directly binding '.

Dabei unterstreicht die Kommission, dass die Entscheidungen der Regulierungsbehörde autonom und direkt verbindlich sein müssen: ' [...] This is contrary to the provisions of the new Electricity and Gas Directives, which unequivocally establish that the NRA must be able to take decisions autonomously and that its decisions are directly binding '.

There is a need to simplify the acqis communautaire by repealing those directives which contain provisions on means of measurement that are no longer used as a result of technical progress and the use of international standards.

Es besteht eine Notwendigkeit, den gemeinschaftlichen Besitzstand mittels der Aufhebung dieser Richtlinien zu vereinfachen, die Bestimmungen über Messgeräte enthalten, die aufgrund des technischen Fortschritts und der Anwendung internationaler Normen nicht mehr verwendet werden.

− We voted against this agreement because: it aims to return people to a country where, according to the UNHCR Global Appeal 2010–2011, around 212 000 people were internally displaced for more than 16 years, living in need of shelter and means to become self-sufficient, where sexual and gender-based violence is rife in all parts of society and police ill-treatment is tolerated; it also applies to those former residents of Abkhazia and South Ossetia who do not have any de facto links to Georgia; it does not include strict safeguards concerning the violation of fundamental rights and guaranteeing high standards of reception, ...[+++]

– Wir haben aus folgenden Gründen gegen das Abkommen gestimmt: Auf der Grundlage dieses Abkommens sollen Menschen in ein Land zurückgeschickt werden, in dem laut dem weltweiten Aufruf 2010-2011 des Hohen Flüchtlingskommissars der Vereinten Nationen in den letzten gut 16 Jahren rund 212 000 Binnenvertriebene gezählt wurden, die schutzbedürftig sind und Mittel benötigen, um nicht mehr auf fremde Hilfe angewiesen zu sein, in dem sexuelle und geschlechtsbezogene Gewalt in allen Teilen der Gesellschaft herrscht und in dem polizeiliche Misshandlungen geduldet werden. Es gilt auch für diejenigen ehemaligen Einwohner von Abchasien und Südossetie ...[+++]

I am also glad that there is no direct reference requiring member states to take legal measures to penalise those who use services (for example, dining in a restaurant in which victims of trafficking are working).

Ich bin zudem froh, dass die Mitgliedstaaten nicht direkt gezwungen werden, rechtliche Maßnahmen einzuleiten, um diejenigen zu bestrafen, die Dienstleistungen in Anspruch nehmen (beispielsweise indem sie in einem Restaurant essen, in dem Opfer von Menschenhandel arbeiten).

„„EN_name_value”= Supervision/Accreditation Status List of certification services from Certification Service Providers, which are supervised/accredited by the referenced Member State for compliance with the relevant provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC and its implementation in the referenced Member State’s laws.; ”

„ ‚EN_name_value‘= Supervision/Accreditation Status List of certification services from Certification Service Providers, which are supervised/accredited by the referenced Member State for compliance with the relevant provisions laid down in Directive 1999/93/EC and its implementation in the referenced Member State’s laws.“

In het vonnis wordt verder verklaard dat de PWD de mate van bescherming bepaalt die de gastlidstaat “is entitled to require those undertakings to observe” (onze ur emphasis) (Para. 80), and continues in the next paragraph “the level of protection which must be guaranteed to workers posted to the territory of the host Member State is limited, in principle, to that provided for in Article 3(1), first subparagraph, (a) ...[+++]

Darüber hinaus wird im Urteil festgestellt, dass die Entsenderichtlinie den Grad an Schutz vorsieht, den der Aufnahmemitgliedstaat in anderen Mitgliedstaaten ansässigen Unternehmen zugunsten der von diesen in sein Hoheitsgebiet entsandten Arbeitnehmer „abzuverlangen berechtigt ist“ (Hervorhebung durch den Autor) (Randnr. 80). Dem nächsten Absatz zufolge „ist das Schutzniveau, das den entsandten Arbeitnehmern im Hoheitsgebiet des Aufnahmemitgliedstaats garantiert wird, grundsätzlich auf das beschränkt, was Art. 3 Abs. 1 Unterabs. 1 Buchst. a bis g der Richtlinie 96/71 vorsieht”.

This proposed amendment would clarify the definition of “money laundering” contained in Article 1 of the Proposed Directive, which has been carried forward from the Second Directive and includes the acquisition, possession or use of property derivied from criminal activity.

This proposed amendment would clarify the definition of ‘money laundering’ contained in Article 1 of the proposed directive, which has been carried forward from the Second Directive and includes the acquisition, possession or use of property derivied from criminal activity.

* The amendment of Directive 91/440 by Directive 2001/12 contained a provision [58] requesting the Commission to make the necessary arrangements to monitor technical and economic conditions and market developments of European rail transport, notably in view of the preparation of a report to be submitted to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Directives of the infrastructure package [59].

* The amendment of Directive 91/440 by Directive 2001/12 contained a provision [58] requesting the Commission to make the necessary arrangements to monitor technical and economic conditions and market developments of European rail transport, notably in view of the preparation of a report to be submitted to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Directives of the infrastructure package [59].

datacenter (28): (

'those directives which contain provisions' ->

Date index: 2023-06-12