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Associatie van Zuidoost-Aziatische Staten
Zuidoost-Aziatisch boeddhisme
Zuidoost-Aziatisch land
Zuidoost-Aziatische Verdragsorganisatie
Zuidoost-Aziatische landen
Zuidoost-Aziatische ovalocytose

Traduction de «Zuidoost-Aziatische Verdragsorganisatie » (Néerlandais → Anglais) :

Zuidoost-Aziatische Verdragsorganisatie | ZOAVO [Abbr.]

South-East Asia Treaty Organisation | SEATO [Abbr.]

ZOAVO [ ZOAVO-landen | Zuidoost-Aziatische Verdragsorganisatie ]

SEATO [ SEATO countries | South-East Asia Treaty Organisation | South-East Asia Treaty Organization ]

Delegatie voor de betrekkingen met de Zuidoost-Aziatische landen en de Associatie van Zuidoost-Aziatische staten (ASEAN)

Delegation for relations with the countries of Southeast Asia and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

ASEAN [ Associatie van Zuidoost-Aziatische Staten ]

ASEAN [ Association of South-East Asian Nations ]

Zuidoost-Azië [ Zuidoost-Aziatische landen ]

South-East Asia [ Countries of South-East Asia ]

Zuidoost-Aziatische ovalocytose

A rare hereditary red cell membrane defect characterized by the presence of oval-shaped erythrocytes. Most patients are asymptomatic or occasionally have mild symptoms such as pallor, jaundice, anemia and gallstones. The disease is common in Southeas

Associatie van Zuidoost-Aziatische Staten | ASEAN [Abbr.]

Association of Southeast Asian Nations | ASEAN [Abbr.]

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Date index: 2021-02-10