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Activiteitengeoriënteerd management
Activiteitsgestuurd beheer
Activiteitsgestuurd management
Activity Based Management
Bedrijfsovername door de werknemers
Bedrijfsovername door managers
Company buy-out
Door managers gemaakte concepten nakijken
Door managers gemaakte concepten reviseren
Door managers opgestelde concepten nakijken
Door managers opgestelde concepten reviseren
E-commerce manager
EBusiness manager
Electronic data management
Elektronisch document management
Elektronisch document management systeem
Geautomatiseerd gegevensbeheer
Gebrek aan overeenstemming
Gebrekkig product
Gebrekkig produkt
ICT product manager
IT product manager
Ict product manager
Internet business development manager
It product manager
Managers buy-out
Product data management
Product manager
Product met fabricagefout
Verborgen gebrek
Web business development manager

Vertaling van "product manager " (Nederlands → Engels) :

ICT product manager | it product manager | ict product manager | IT product manager

ICT product managers | IT products manager | ICT product manager | IT product manager

internet business development manager | web business development manager | eBusiness manager | e-commerce manager

e-commerce development manager | e-commerce manager | eBusiness manager | eBusiness managers

door managers gemaakte concepten nakijken | door managers opgestelde concepten reviseren | door managers gemaakte concepten reviseren | door managers opgestelde concepten nakijken

assess drafts made by managers | review drafts made by managers | revise drafts made by manager | revise drafts made by managers

elektronisch document management [ EDM | EDMS | electronic data management | elektronisch document management systeem | geautomatiseerd gegevensbeheer ]

electronic document management [ EDM | EDMS | electronic data management | electronic document management system | Machine-readable data(ECLAS) ]

activiteitengeoriënteerd management | activiteitsgestuurd beheer | activiteitsgestuurd management | Activity Based Management | ABM [Abbr.]

Activity Based Management | ABM [Abbr.]

belast product en een rechtstreeks concurrerend product of een product dat het belaste product onmiddellijk kan vervangen

the taxed product and a directly competitive or substitutable product

product data management (PDM) | productgegevensbeheer

product data management (PDM)

company buy-out [ bedrijfsovername door de werknemers | Bedrijfsovername door managers | managementbuy-in | managementbuy-out | managers buy-out ]

company buyout [ institutional buy-out | LBO | leverage buy-out | management buy-in | management buy-out | MBI | MBO ]

gebrekkig product [ gebrek aan overeenstemming | gebrekkig produkt | product met fabricagefout | verborgen gebrek ]

defective product [ failure to conform | faulty goods | hidden defect | latent defect | [http ...]
– gezien het ontwerp van openbare raadpleging van het Gemeenschappelijk Onderzoekscentrum van het Instituut voor milieu en duurzaamheid van 16 augustus 2010 met als titel "Decoupling indicators, basket-of-products indicators, waste management indicators.

– having regard to the draft public consultation of the Joint Research Centre of the Institute for Environment and Sustainability of 16 August 2010, entitled ‘Decoupling indicators, basket-of-products indicators. waste management indicators.

Ter omschrijving van alle delen en producten, met uitzondering van die waarop een etiket is aangebracht met de vermelding „Produced from Hoodia spp. material obtained through controlled harvesting and production in collaboration with the CITES Management Authorities of Botswana/Namibia/South Africa under agreement No. BW/NA/ZA xxxxxx”.

Designates all parts and derivatives, except those bearing a label “Produced from Hoodia spp. material obtained through controlled harvesting and production in collaboration with the CITES Management Authorities of Botswana/Namibia/South Africa under agreement No BW/NA/ZA xxxxxx”

Ter omschrijving van alle delen en producten, met uitzondering van die waarop een etiket is aangebracht met de vermelding „Produced from Hoodia spp. material obtained through controlled harvesting and production in collaboration with the Cites Management Authorities of Botswana/Namibia/South Africa under agreement no. BW/NA/ZA xxxxxx”.

Designates all parts and derivatives, except those bearing a label “Produced from Hoodia spp. material obtained through controlled harvesting and production in collaboration with the CITES Management Authorities of Botswana/Namibia/South Africa under agreement No BW/NA/ZA xxxxxx”.

de kwaliteitsdoelstellingen en de structuur van de organisatie, de verantwoordelijkheden en bevoegdheden van het management met betrekking tot de kwaliteit van het product;

the quality objectives and the organisational structure, responsibilities and powers of the management with regard to product quality,

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During the high level meeting in Bamako, "the Parties agreed to support the creation by le Mali of the Migration Information and Management Centre". The general objective is the definition and implementation by Mali of a migratory policy adapted to the regional and European policies and dynamics. The specific objective is the setting up of the Migration Information and Management Centre which will implement and coordinate the various elements of Mali's migration policy. The expected results are (i) definition and implementation of an information and communication strategy on the legal conditions for migration and the prevention of irregu ...[+++]

During the high level meeting in Bamako, "the Parties agreed to support the creation by le Mali of the Migration Information and Management Centre".The general objective is the definition and implementation by Mali of a migratory policy adapted to the regional and European policies and dynamics.The specific objective is the setting up of the Migration Information and Management Centre which will implement and coordinate the various elements of Mali's migration policy.The expected results are (i) definition and implementation of an information and communication strategy on the legal conditions for migration and the prevention of irregular ...[+++]

(106) Teneinde kosten te besparen en de internationale acceptatie te verbeteren, dient de Europese aanpak zo nauw mogelijk aan te sluiten bij internationale initiatieven, zoals de Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management van het Milieuprogramma van de Verenigde Naties (UNEP), de Council Act on High Production Volume (HPV) Chemicals van de Organisatie voor Economische Samenwerking en Ontwikkeling, het HPV-initiatief van de International Council of Chemical Associations en de HPV Challenge van het Milieubeschermingsburea ...[+++]

(106) In order to reduce its costs and improve its international acceptability, the European approach should be as closely aligned as possible with international initiatives including the UNEP "Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management", the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's "Council Act on High Production Volume (HPV) Chemicals", the International Council of Chemical Associations HPV Initiative and the US Environmental Protection Agency's HPV Challenge.

15. de doelstellingen en indicatoren voor de milieuprestaties van het product, de organisatiestructuur, de verantwoordelijkheden, de bevoegdheden van het management en de toewijzing van middelen met betrekking tot de stelselmatige toepassing ervan;

- the environmental product performance objectives and indicators and the organisational structure, responsibilities, powers of the management and allocation of resources with regard to their implementation and maintenance;

de doelstellingen en indicatoren voor de milieuprestaties van het product, de organisatiestructuur, de verantwoordelijkheden, de bevoegdheden van het management en de toewijzing van middelen met betrekking tot de stelselmatige toepassing ervan;

the environmental product performance objectives and indicators and the organisational structure, responsibilities, powers of the management and allocation of resources with regard to their implementation and maintenance;

de doelstellingen en indicatoren voor de milieuprestaties van het product, de organisatiestructuur, de verantwoordelijkheden, de bevoegdheden van het management en de toewijzing van middelen met betrekking tot de stelselmatige toepassing ervan.

the environmental product performance objectives and indicators and the organisational structure, responsibilities, powers of the management and allocation of resources with regard to their implementation and maintenance.

Z. overwegende dat het noodzakelijk is de nadruk te leggen op energie-efficiëntieaspecten bij alle technologische OO-programma's, zoals die voor informatie- en communicatietechnologie, nieuwe materialen, biotechnologische processen, membranen, katalysatoren en oppervlaktebehandelingstechnologieën; dat meer aandacht moet worden besteed aan materiaalefficiëntie, resource/product management en de bevordering van verder onderzoek op dit punt,

Z. pointing out the need to stress energy efficiency aspects in all technological RD programmes, such as for information and communication technology, new materials, biotechnological processes, membranes, catalysts and surface treatment technologies, and to pay more attention to material efficiency and resource/product management and to promote further research on this issue,
