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AIDS-related complex
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
Advies geven over pr
Advies geven over public relations
Adviseren over public relations
Hoofd public relations
Medewerker public relations
Medewerkster public reklations
Operateur 'public address'-geluidsinstallatie
Pers en public relations
Public relations
Public relations manager
Raad geven over public relations
Verantwoordelijke public relations

Vertaling van "public relations " (Nederlands → Engels) :

public relations manager | verantwoordelijke public relations | hoofd public relations | public-relationsmanager

press office manager | publicity manager | public information coordinator | public relations manager

medewerker reclame en/of public relations

Advertising/public relations

adviseren over public relations | raad geven over public relations | advies geven over pr | advies geven over public relations

commend a marketing strategy | instruct on a marketing strategy | advise on public relations | instruct on public relations

medewerker public relations | PR-medewerker | medewerkster public reklations | publicrelationsmedewerker

communications officer | public affairs officer | media relations officer | public relations officer

Afdeling Voorlichtingsbeleid, transparantie, public relations

Information Policy, Transparency and Public Relations Division

operateur 'public address'-geluidsinstallatie

Public address equipment operator

ADTKD-UMOD - UMOD-related autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease

Medullary cystic kidney disease 2

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS] NNO | AIDS-related complex [ARC] NNO

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS] NOS AIDS-related complex [ARC] NOS
Ter verbetering van het organisatievermogen werd het personeel van consumentenverenigingen opgeleid in management, public relations/lobbying en EU-consumentenwetgeving (280.223 euro).

To improve organisational capability, staffs of consumer associations were trained in management, public relations/lobbying and EU consumer legislation (€280.223).

Het betreft hier de territoriale werkgelegenheidspacten, de veralgemenisering van het beleid van gelijke kansen voor vrouwen en mannen, public relations, een instantie voor permanente evaluatie van het ESF (doorlopende evaluatie) en een Equal-bureau.

They concern the Territorial Employment Pacts, gender mainstreaming, public relations, an evaluation body to evaluate the ESF on a permanent basis (ongoing evaluation) and an Equal office.

(59)In verband met de versterking van het nieuwe agentschapsmandaat en voor een beter overzicht van de financiële gevolgen van de nieuwe taken is de activiteit "Ondersteuning van terugkeer" opgevoerd als afzonderlijke specifieke doelstelling 3, zijn de taken "Beheer van gebundelde middelen" en "Onderzoek en ontwikkeling" samengevoegd in specifieke doelstelling 6, zijn "Eurosur" en "Situatiebeeld" samengevoegd in specifieke doelstelling 7 en worden "Externe en public relations" en "Grondrechten" gezamenlijk gepresenteerd onder specifieke doelstelling 8.

(59)For the sake of enhancing the role of the new mandate of the Agency and to present better the financial impact of the new tasks, "Support in returns" was presented as a separate specific objective n° 3. Tasks related to the "Management of Pooled resources" and "Research Development" were merged under specific objective n° 6, "Eurosur" and "Situational Picture" were merged under specific objective n°7 whereas "External and Public Relations" and "Fundamental Rights" were presented jointly under specific objective n°8.

Lie Junius, Public Policy and Government Relations Director bij Google: "We stellen alles in het werk om mensen toegang te bieden tot informatie via onze diensten. Illegale uitingen van haat zijn op onze platforms echter altijd verboden geweest.

Google’s Public Policy and Government Relations Director, Lie Junius, said: “We’re committed to giving people access to information through our services, but we have always prohibited illegal hate speech on our platforms.

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Office of Publications, please insert number and title of Regulation laying down provisions for the management of expenditure relating to the food chain, animal health and animal welfare, and relating to plant health and plant reproductive material and, in the footnote, the reference to the Official Journal ++ Office of Publications, please insert number and title of Regulation laying down provisions on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species

+ OJ , please insert the number and title of the Regulation laying down provisions for the management of expenditure relating to the food chain, animal health and animal welfare, and relating to plant health and plant reproductive material and, in the footnote, the reference to the Official Journal . OJ, please insert the number and title of the Regulation laying down provisions on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species

(75) Verordening (EU) nr/2013 betreffende ..[Office of Publications, please insert number and title of Regulation laying down provisions for the management of expenditure relating to the food chain, animal health and animal welfare, and relating to plant health and plant reproductive material and, in the footnote, the reference to the Official Journal] bepaalt dat subsidies voor maatregelen tegen plaagorganismen kunnen worden verleend wanneer die maatregelen betrekking hebben op bepaalde plaagorganismen die zijn opgenomen in de bijlagen bij Richtlijn 2000/29/EG of op bepaalde plaagorganismen die weliswaar niet in die bijlagen zijn opgeno ...[+++]

(75) Regulation (EU) No ./2013 on .. [Office of Publications, please insert number and title of Regulation laying down provisions for the management of expenditure relating to the food chain, animal health and animal welfare, and relating to plant health and plant reproductive material and, in the footnote, the reference to the Official Journal] sets out that grants for measures against pests are to concern certain pests listed in the Annexes to Directive 2000/29/EC, and certain pests not listed in those Annexes but subject to temporary Union measures adopted with regard to them. This Regulation establishes the category of priority pests ...[+++]

Office of Publications, please insert number and title of Regulation laying down provisions for the management of expenditure relating to the food chain, animal health and animal welfare, and relating to plant health and plant reproductive material and, in the footnote, the reference to the Official Journal

Official Journal, please insert number and title of Regulation laying down provisions for the management of expenditure relating to the food chain, animal health and animal welfare, and relating to plant health and plant reproductive material and, in the footnote, the reference to the Official Journal

kosten met betrekking tot public relations.

costs linked to public relations.

– gezien de werkdocumenten van de diensten van de Commissie getiteld „Frequently asked questions in relation with Commission Decision of 28 November 2005 on the application of Article 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest, and of the Community Framework for State aid in the form of public service compensatio ...[+++]

– having regard to the Commission staff working documents entitled ‘Frequently asked questions in relation with Commission Decision of 28 November 2005 on the application of Article 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest, and of the Community Framework for State aid in the form of public service compensatio ...[+++]

– gezien de werkdocumenten van de diensten van de Commissie getiteld "Frequently asked questions in relation with Commission Decision of 28 November 2005 on the application of Article 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest, and of the Community Framework for State aid in the form of public service compensatio ...[+++]

– having regard to the Commission staff working documents entitled ‘Frequently asked questions in relation with Commission Decision of 28 November 2005 on the application of Article 86(2) of the EC Treaty to State aid in the form of public service compensation granted to undertakings entrusted with the operation of services of general economic interest, and of the Community Framework for State aid in the form of public service compensatio ...[+++]
