In de verscheidene algemene directies van Belgacom (Corporate
Customers Division, International Operations, Group Regulatory, Tariffs and Interconnections affairs, Carrier Services, Group Human Relations, Human Resources, Public Affairs, Multimedia and Infohighways, Residential Customers Division, Special Business, Business Customers Division,
Group Strategy and Development, Group Communication, General Services, Marketing Integration and Customers Installation and Maintenance) die elk door een general manager worden geleid, is naar v
...[+++]erluidt sprake van een onevenwichtige taalverdeling bij het personeel in het voordeel van de Nederlandstaligen.Il me revient que les différentes directions générales de Belgacom (Corporate
Customers Division, International operations, Group Regulatory, Tariffs and Interconnections affairs, Carrier Services, Group Human Relations, Human Resources, Public Affairs, Multimedia and Infohighways, Residential Customers Division, Special Business, Business Customers Division,
Group Strategy and Development, Group Communication, General Services, Marketing Integration and Customers Installation and Maintenance) dirigées chacune par un general manager t
...[+++]émoignent d'un important déséquilibre au niveau de la répartition linguistique du personnel et ce au profit des agents néerlandophones.