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Vertaling van "labour market by reducing the high " (Nederlands → Frans) :

De tekst betreffende de werkloosheidsuitkering luidt als volgt : « Improve participation in the labour market by reducing the high tax and social security burden for the low-paid in a budgetary neutral way and by introducing a system in which the level of unemployment benefits decreases gradually with the duration of unemployment » (4) .

Le texte relatif à l'allocation de chômage est rédigé comme suit: « renforcer la participation au marché du travail en réduisant les charges fiscales et sociales élevées qui pèsent sur les bas salaires d'une manière qui soit neutre pour le budget et en mettant en place un système de diminution progressive des allocations de chômage à mesure que se prolonge la période d'inactivité» (4)

Aanbeveling inzake actieve inclusie – Werkdocument van de diensten van de Commissie inzake uitvoering: "Commission Staff Working Document on the implementation of the 2008 Commission Recommendation on the active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market"

Recommandation relative à l'inclusion active - Document de travail des services de la Commission sur la mise en œuvre «Commission Staff Working Document on the implementation of the 2008 Commission Recommendation on the active inclusion of people excluded from the labour market»

Op basis van een Gentse studie betreffende arbeidsdiscriminatie genaamd Getting Grey Hairs in the Labour Market: An Alternative Experiment on Age Discrimination heeft de Europese Commissie een strategie voorgesteld op het einde van 2015.

Sur base d'une étude de l'université de Gand Getting Grey Hairs in the Labour Market: An Alternative Experiment on Age Discrimination la Commission européenne a proposé une stratégie fin 2015.

Gesprekspartners : mevrouw Ann-Lena Hultgård Sancini, director for International Division, mevrouw Hanna Björknäs, Head of section from the Division for Labour Law and Work Environment, de heer Henrik Jonsson, Head of section from the Division for Labour Market Policy en mevrouw Jessica Löfvenholm, Deputy Director from the Social Insurance Division.

Interlocuteurs: Mme Ann-Lena Hultgård Sancini, director for International Division, Mme Hanna Björknäs, Head of section from the Division for Labour Law and Work Environment, M. Henrik Jonsson, Head of section from the Division for Labour Market Policy et Mme Jessica Löfvenholm, Deputy Director from the Social Insurance Division.

Gesprekspartners : mevrouw Ann-Lena Hultgård Sancini, director for International Division, mevrouw Hanna Björknäs, Head of section from the Division for Labour Law and Work Environment, de heer Henrik Jonsson, Head of section from the Division for Labour Market Policy en mevrouw Jessica Löfvenholm, Deputy Director from the Social Insurance Division.

Interlocuteurs: Mme Ann-Lena Hultgård Sancini, director for International Division, Mme Hanna Björknäs, Head of section from the Division for Labour Law and Work Environment, M. Henrik Jonsson, Head of section from the Division for Labour Market Policy et Mme Jessica Löfvenholm, Deputy Director from the Social Insurance Division.

Burggraeve K. & Du Caju P (2003), The labour market and fiscal impact of labour tax reductions, Nationale Bank van België (working paper).

Burggraeve K. et Du Caju P (2003), The labour market and fiscal impact of labour tax reductions, Banque nationale de Belgique (working paper).

Burggraeve K. & Du Caju P (2003), The labour market and fiscal impact of labour tax reductions, Nationale Bank van België (working paper).

Burggraeve K. et Du Caju P (2003), The labour market and fiscal impact of labour tax reductions, Banque nationale de Belgique (working paper).

b) de Internationale Arbeidsorganisatie (ILO), de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie (WHO), de Internationale Telecommunicatie-Unie (ITU), de Wereldpostunie (UPU), de Wereldorganisatie voor Intellectuele Eigendom (WIPO) en de Wereldmeteorologische Organisatie (WMO), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), United Nations Economic Commission for Europe)(UNECE), United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights ((OHCHR), United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), United Nations Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Reducing ...[+++]

b) l'Organisation internationale du Travail (OIT), l'Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS), l'Union internationale des Télécommunications (UIT), l'Union postale universelle (UPU), l'Organisation mondiale de la Propriété intellectuelle (OMPI) et l'Organisation météorologique mondiale (OMM), la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le développement (CNUCED), la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (CEE-ONU), le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies aux droits de l'homme (HCNUDH), l'Institut des Nations Unies pour la formation et la recherche (UNITAR), le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (UNHC ...[+++]

[36] Zie eveneens werkgelegenheidscomité (2010), Towards a greener labour market - The employment dimension of tackling environmental challenges (eindverslag), identifying indicators in six areas: green jobs, green skills, green workplaces, green transition, green labour markets and green growth.

[36] Comité de l’emploi (2010) - La dimension de l’emploi dans la lutte contre les problèmes environnementaux, rapport final sur un marché de travail plus vert. Des indicateurs sont recensés dans les six domaines suivants: emplois verts, qualifications vertes, lieux de travail verts, transition verte, marchés du travail verts et croissance verte.

The 2005 Policy Plan on legal migration sets out the broad lines for further development of a common European policy on legal and, in particular, labour immigration , which is an important component of EU policies to compensate the negative effects of demographic ageing and meet the changing needs of labour markets.

The 2005 Policy Plan on legal migration sets out the broad lines for further development of a common European policy on legal and, in particular, labour immigration , which is an important component of EU policies to compensate the negative effects of demographic ageing and meet the changing needs of labour markets.

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Date index: 2021-07-03