But it gets down to the fact that it doesn't matter how much fancy dance we do, if buddy has to go and borrow $2,000 to $5,000 to access a three-month program in order to be able to fund the learner financial responsibility associated with taking the employer-focused training, in order to be able to access an entry-level job that is going to be at $10 to $12 an hour, there ain't no way, and there's no fancy way of saying it, that he is going to be able to pay back his Canada student loan.
Mais vous savez, quelles que soient toutes les belles ententes que nous signons, si un travailleur doit emprunter de 2 d000 à 5 000 $ pour assumer sa responsabilité financière d'apprenant et suivre une formation de trois mois axée sur les besoins de l'employeur, et ce, pour obtenir un poste de niveau d'entrée de 10 à 12 $ l'heure, il ne pourra jamais rembourser son prêt étudiant.