Driving time means "the duration of the activity in which a driver controls a vehicle and the time taken by the driver to make way to the place of assignment of the vehicle, if that journey is made in a vehicle driven by
the driver and the distance thus travelled is more than 100 km". This addition would avert a situation in which, for example, a driver drives by car to a pickup point 600km away, taking over the driving of a waiting coach, and withou
t taking sufficient breaks, drives the coach for another 600km on the return journey,
...[+++]thereby nominally observing the driving times and rest periods but in reality circumventing them.
Il s'agit de la durée pendant laquelle un conducteur contrôle un véhicule, prend part à la circulation, ou rejoint son lieu de travail dans un véhicule, et si ce voyage fait plus de 100 km. Ceci empêcherait, par exemple, un chauffeur de conduire pendant 600 km sa propre voiture avant de rejoindre un bus et refaire le trajet en sens inverse sans prendre suffisamment de pauses.