I'm an ardent free enterprise supporter, but I have a concern about a gap between rich and poor, both within Canada and in the U.S., particularly in the U.S., and the whole gated community concept, which is that I'm going to take care of my family and I'm going to pay for my police and I'm going to pay for my children's schooling and I don't really care what happens outside my gated community.
Je suis un ardent partisan de la libre entreprise, mais le fossé qui se creuse entre les riches et les pauvres m'inquiète, tant au Canada qu'aux États-Unis, particulièrement aux États-Unis; ainsi que toute cette notion de collectivité en vase clos où chacun prend soin de sa famille, paie ses propres services de police et ses enseignants et ne se préoccupe nullement de ce qui se passe ailleurs.