I have another question for you. Right now under the proposed new amendments, if this treaty were passed right now, if we were out on the Flemish Cap and saw a Portuguese or Spanish vessel with 20,000 pounds of fish, say, that it wasn't supposed to have correct me if I'm wrong we note the violation, the ship goes back to its home port, and it's the home state that metes out any punishment for that.
En vertu des modifications proposées, si l'on constatait près du Bonnet flamand un navire portugais ou espagnol avec à son bord, supposons, 20 000 livres de poissons qui ne lui appartiennent pas — corrigez-moi si j'ai tort —, il nous faudrait prendre note de l'infraction, renvoyer le navire à son port d'attache et se fier à son État pour lui infliger des pénalités.