Historically, the NIHB requirement for dentists to submit invoices for dental hygiene services was in keeping with the provincial or territorial dental hygiene legislation, which required that dentists supervise dental hygienists. However, the majority of dental hygienists live in provinces where legislation now enables them to establish private businesses and to work without dentist supervision, including dental hygienists in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Saskatchewan.
Cependant, la majorité des hygiénistes dentaires pratiquent dans des provinces qui ont maintenant leurs propres lois sur les services d’hygiène dentaire, y compris l’Alberta, la Colombie-Britannique, le Manitoba, le Nouveau- Brunswick, la Nouvelle-Écosse, l’Ontario et la Saskatchewan, qui permettent aux hygiénistes dentaires d’établir leur propre entreprise et de travailler sans être sous la supervision d’un dentiste.