When we're dealing with the expansion and the inclusion of offences.I mean, I can see the rationale for why these are on the list, or why they were proposed, but I think it really is probably better suited, when you're dealing with a more comprehensive review of the legislation.Again, to go back to a comment I made to Mr. Thompson, it's hard to argue that one of these shouldn't be on the list when we already looked at the list and at the types of offences that are already included. So I think it's a broader issue that has to be dealt with, exactly what prongs we're using to put offences on the list.
Lorsqu'il s'agit d'allonger la lite, d'y inclure des infractions.c'est-à-dire que je peux voir pourquoi ces infractions sont dans la liste, ou pourquoi on propose de les y inscrire, mais je pense que c'est probablement plus pertinent, lorsqu'on parle d'un examen plus approfondi de la loi.là encore, pour revenir à un commentaire que j'ai fait à M. Thompson, il est difficile de soutenir que l'une d'elles n'a pas sa place dans la liste quand on a déjà étudié la liste et le genre d'infractions qui s'y trouvent déjà.