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Brandt report
Economic cooperation between developing countries
North-South conference
North-South cooperation
North-South dialogue
North-South relations
North-South trade
Platform controller hub
Shetland Islands
Shetland Sheepdog
Shetland pony
South American grasshopper
South American locust
South Shetland Islands
South Shetlands
South bridge
South-South cooperation
South-South dialogue
South-South relations
Southern bridge

Traduction de «South Shetlands » (Anglais → Français) :

voir aussi les traductions en contexte ci-dessous
South Shetlands [ South Shetland Islands ]

Shetland du Sud [ îles Shetland du Sud ]

Shetland Sheepdog | Shetland | shelty | sheltie

berger des Shetland | berger shetland | shetland

Shetland pony [ Shetland | Shetlie ]

poney Shetland [ Shetland ]

Shetland [ Shetland Islands | Zetland ]

Shetland [ îles Shetland | îles Zetland | Zetland ]

South-South cooperation [ economic cooperation between developing countries | South-South dialogue | South-South relations | South-South relations(ECLAS) ]

coopération Sud-Sud [ coopération économique entre PVD | dialogue Sud-Sud | relation Sud-Sud ]

North-South relations [ Brandt report | North-South conference | North-South cooperation | North-South dialogue ]

relation Nord-Sud [ conférence Nord-Sud | coopération Nord-Sud | dialogue Nord-Sud | rapport Brandt ]

South East Europe Regional Clearinghouse for Small Arms Reduction | South Eastern and Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons | South Eastern Europe Clearinghouse for the Control of Small Arms and Light Weapons | SEESAC [Abbr.]

centre régional pour l'Europe du Sud-Est d'échange d'informations pour la réduction des armes légères

North-South trade [ North-South relations(STW) ]

commerce Nord-Sud

South American locust | South American grasshopper

criquet sud-américain

southbridge | south bridge | southern bridge | input/output controller hub | I/O controller hub | ICH | platform controller hub

contrôleur d'entrée-sortie | contrôleur d'extension | pont sud
East of Shetlands and Fair Isle between lines drawn due south-east from Sumburgh Head lighthouse due north-east from Skroo lighthouse and due south-west from Skadan lighthouse

East of Shetlands et Fair Isle, entre des lignes tracées plein sud-est de Sumburg Head Lighthouse, plein nord-est de Skroo Lighthouse et plein sud-ouest à partir de Skadan Lighthouse

East of Shetlands and Fair Isle between lines drawn due south-east from Sumbrugh Head lighthouse due north-east from Skroo lighthouse and due south-west from Skadan lighthouse

East of Shetlands et Fair Isle, entre des lignes tracées plein sud-est à partir de Sumburgh Head Lighthouse, plein nord-est de Skroo Lighthouse et plein sud-ouest à partir de Skadan Lighthouse

1. East of Shetlands and Fair Isle between lines drawn due south-east from Sumbrugh Head lighthouse due north-east from Skroo lighthouse and due south-west from Skadan lighthouse

1. East of Shetlands et Fair Isle, entre des lignes tracées plein sud-est à partir de Sumburgh Head Lighthouse, plein nord-est de Skroo Lighthouse et plein sud-ouest à partir de Skadan Lighthouse

East of Shetlands and Fair Isle between lines drawn due south-east from Sumbrugh Head lighthouse due north-east from Skroo lighthouse and due south-west from Skadan lighthouse

East of Shetlands et Fair Isle, entre des lignes tracées plein sud-est à partir de Sumburgh Head Lighthouse, plein nord-est de Skroo Lighthouse et plein sud-ouest à partir de Skadan Lighthouse

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East of Shetlands and Fair Isle between lines drawn due south-east from Sumburgh Head lighthouse due north-east from Skroo lighthouse and due south-west from Skadan lighthouse

East of Shetlands et Fair Isle, entre des lignes tracées plein sud-est de Sumburg Head Lighthouse, plein nord-est de Skroo Lighthouse et plein sud-ouest à partir de Skadan Lighthouse

The Liberian-flagged Braer was en-route from Norway to Montreal in January 1993 when her engine failed 10 miles south of the Shetland Islands, UK.

Le Braer, navire sous pavillon libérien, fait route de la Norvège vers Montréal en janvier 1993 lorsque son moteur tombe en panne à 10 milles au sud des îles Shetland, au RU.

With the accession of Spain and Portugal the borders of the Community stretch from Shetland in the North to the Gulf of Cadiz in the South; from the Island of Rhodes in the East to Cape St. Vincent in the West.

Avec l'adhesion de l'Espagne et du Portugal, les frontieres de la Communaute s'etendent des iles Shetland, au Nord, au golfe de Cadix, au Sud, et de l'ile de Rhodes, a l'Est, au Cap Saint-Vincent, a l'Ouest.

With the accession of Spain and Portugal the borders of the Community stretch from Shetland in the North to the Gulf of Cadiz in the South; from the Island of Rhodes in the East to Cape St. Vincent in the West.

Avec l'adhesion de l'Espagne et du Portugal, les frontieres de la Communaute s'etendent des iles Shetland, au Nord, au golfe de Cadix, au Sud, et de l'ile de Rhodes, a l'Est, au Cap Saint-Vincent, a l'Ouest.

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Date index: 2021-02-10