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American Academy of Speech Correction
American Society for the Study of Disorders of Speech
American Speech Correction Association
American Speech and Hearing Association
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
Artificial speech
Automatic speech
Computer speech
Computer-generated speech
Computer-synthesized speech
Keep meaning of original speech
Machine-generated speech
Maintain meaning of original speech
Preserve meaning of original speech
Respect meaning of original speech
Sovereign's Speech
Speech and language therapist
Speech command
Speech control
Speech correctionist
Speech from the Throne
Speech therapist
Spoken command
Synthesized speech
Synthetic speech
TTS synthesiser
TTS synthesizer
Text-to-speech converter
Text-to-speech synthesis system
Text-to-speech synthesiser
Text-to-speech synthesizer
Text-to-speech system
Text-to-voice synthesiser
Text-to-voice synthesizer
Time assignment speech interpolation
Time assignment speech interpolation system
Time-assigned speech interpolation system
Voice command
Voice control

Vertaling van "Speech command " (Engels → Frans) :

voice command | spoken command | speech command

commande vocale | commande orale | ordre vocal | ordre parlé | ordre verbal

voice control [ speech control | voice command | spoken command ]

commande vocale [ commande parlée ]

Gracious Speech/Address | His/Her Majesty's Most Gracious Speech | King's/Queen's Speech | Sovereign's Speech | Speech from the Throne

discours du Trône

computer-generated speech | synthesized speech | synthetic speech | artificial speech | computer-synthesized speech | machine-generated speech

voix de synthèse | parole de synthèse | parole synthétique | parole artificielle | parole électronique

keep meaning of original speech | respect meaning of original speech | maintain meaning of original speech | preserve meaning of original speech

conserver le sens du discours original

computer-generated speech [ synthetic speech | computer speech | automatic speech | artificial speech ]

parole synthétique [ parole artificielle | parole électronique ]

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association [ ASHA | American Speech and Hearing Association | American Speech Correction Association | American Society for the Study of Disorders of Speech | American Academy of Speech Correction ]

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association [ ASHA | American Speech and Hearing Association | American Speech Correction Association | American Society for the Study of Disorders of Speech | American Academy of Speech Correction ]

text-to-speech synthesizer | text-to-speech synthesiser | text-to-speech system | text-to-speech synthesis system | text-to-speech converter | text-to-voice synthesizer | text-to-voice synthesiser | TTS synthesizer | TTS synthesiser

synthétiseur texte-parole | synthétiseur de la parole à partir du texte | synthétiseur vocal à partir du texte | système de synthèse texte-parole

speech and language therapist | speech correctionist | speech therapist | SLT [Abbr.]

logopède | logothérapeute | orthophoniste | rééducateur de la parole

time assignment speech interpolation | time assignment speech interpolation system | time-assigned speech interpolation system | TASI [Abbr.]

système TASI
I think it was very clear in my speeches that if they are Canadian soldiers, they are always under the command of our Canadian commanders.

Je pense que j'ai été très claire dans mes discours. Si des soldats canadiens sont déployés, ils le sont toujours sous le commandement de nos commandants canadiens.

Hon. Joseph A. Day: Honourable senators, a week ago in this place I had the opportunity to participate in a debate on Bomber Command and the tremendous contribution of Bomber Command to the Allied effort in World War II. In that speech I called for a permanent reminder in Canada of the tremendous sacrifice on the part of Canadian pilots and ground crew who were part of Bomber Command and who participated in many of the crucial missions at that time.

L'honorable Joseph A. Day : Honorables sénateurs, la semaine dernière, j'ai eu l'occasion ici même de participer à un débat sur le commandement des bombardiers et sur sa contribution remarquable aux efforts des Alliés pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Dans le discours que j'ai prononcé, je demandais que l'on crée au Canada un symbole permanent des énormes sacrifices consentis par les pilotes et le personnel au sol au Canada qui faisaient partie du commandement des bombardiers et qui, à l'époque, ont participé à un grand nombre de missions cruciales.

Her Excellency was pleased to command the attendance of the House of Commons, and, that House being come, with their Speaker, Her Excellency was pleased to open the Second Session of the Fortieth Parliament of Canada with the following speech:

Il plaît à Son Excellence d'ordonner que les Communes soient présentes et, la Chambre des communes étant arrivée, il plaît à Son Excellence d'ouvrir la deuxième session de la quarantième législature par le discours suivant :

The new developments in speech technology will possibly allow keyboards to be replaced by voice commands: this would be useful for people with visual or motor impairments.

Les nouvelles évolutions dans le domaine de la technologie du langage permettront probablement de remplacer les claviers par des commandes vocales: cela serait utile à ceux qui souffrent de handicaps visuels ou moteurs.

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Yesterday in a speech in Ottawa the general talked about some of the real accomplishments of giving commanders more control, of devolving more authority to base commanders across the country, of looking at terms of service for military personnel so that they can be assured of service depending on performance.

Dans un discours prononcé hier à Ottawa, le général a parlé de certaines des réalisations concrètes consistant à donner davantage de pouvoir aux officiers, à accroître l'autorité des commandants de base dans tout le pays, à rajuster les conditions d'emploi du personnel militaire pour qu'elles soient fonction du rendement.

ADDRESS IN REPLY TO THE SPEECH FROM THE THRONE The House resumed debate on the motion of Mr. Jackson (Bruce Grey), seconded by Mrs. Ringuette-Maltais (Madawaska Victoria), That the following Address be presented to His Excellency the Governor General of Canada: To His Excellency the Right Honourable Ramon John Hnatyshyn, a Member of the Queen's Privy Council for Canada, Chancellor and Principal Companion of the Order of Canada, Chancellor and Commander of the Order of Military Merit, One of Her Majesty's Counsel learned in the law, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada.

ADRESSE EN RÉPONSE AU DISCOURS DU TRÔNE La Chambre reprend le débat sur la motion de M. Jackson (Bruce Grey), appuyé par M Ringuette-Maltais (Madawaska -Victoria) Que l'Adresse, dont le texte suit, soit présentée à Son Excellence le gouverneur général du Canada : À Son Excellence le très honorable Ramon John Hnatyshyn, membre du Conseil privé de la Reine pour le Canada, Chancelier et Compagnon principal de l'Ordre du Canada, Chancelier et Commandeur de l'Ordre du Mérite militaire, l'un des conseillers juridiques de Sa Majesté, Gouverneur général et Commandant en chef du Canada.
