On this occasion, after stating that I voted for the motion, of course, I would call – and I do so willingly – for, in future, the projects to be financed as innovative actions to include projects which are concerned not only with improving working conditions in the strict sense but also with everything which affects pensioners, who, during the period in which they are not working, use the contributions they paid in when they were working, and so this period is, indirectly, a continuation of their working activity.
À cette occasion - et je le fais volontiers - j'espère, après avoir évidemment expliqué mon vote favorable, qu'à l'avenir, on introduira également, parmi les projets à financer en tant qu'actions innovatrices, des projets visant non seulement à l'amélioration du travail au sens strict, mais aussi tout ce qui concerne les pensionnés qui profitent désormais des contributions qu'ils ont versées tout au long de leur vie professionnelle. La retraite constitue, dans un sens large, un prolongement de la carrière.