The officers employed on all those buoy tenders, icebreakers, fisheries patrol vessels and throughout the Canadian Coast Guard fleet, as well as ships in commercial industry that do the resupply in the Arctic; all the ships that are carrying refined petroleum products in Canada; on the lakes, carrying the grain from the Great Lakes out to the export facilities on the gulf or on the coast; th
e tugboats that are assisting the cruise ships that come alongside in these ports and help the container ships come in, and so forth, and all the marine pilots — th
...[+++]ey are all Canadian seafarers and are required to be. As much as it is not a big industry, compared to the international scene, it is essential, important and vital.
Les navires-baliseurs, les brise-glaces, les navires de patrouille des pêches, toute la flotte de la Garde côtière canadienne, ainsi que les navires commerciaux qui approvisionnent les collectivités de l'Arctique, tous les bateaux qui transportent des produits pétroliers raffinés au Canada, les bateaux des lacs qui transportent des céréales des Grands Lacs jusqu'aux installations d'exportation du golfe ou de la côte, les remorqueurs qui aident les navires de croisière à entrer dans les ports, et qui aident les porte-conteneurs, et cetera, tous ces navires ont besoin de pilotes et de marins.