Perhaps I could ask him if he too would like to reflect back approximately a year ago, 364 days I believe, the anniversary of the election being tomorrow. I wonder if during the course of the election we could find anywhere in any of his speeches or his public pronouncements where he got up on a soap box and said: ``I, a Liberal candidate in this election, say we have to target our social programs to those in need'' or if he was like some of the other people who I was in contest with who were saying: ``No, no, we can't do that.
Je me demande si nous pourrions trouver quelque part, dans un discours qu'il a prononcé ou une annonce qu'il a faite publiquement pendant la campagne électorale, les propos suivants: «Moi, candidat libéral dans ces élections, j'affirme que nous devons axer nos programmes sociaux sur les personnes dans le besoin», ou s'il ne disait pas plutôt, comme certains de mes autres adversaires: «Non, non, nous ne pouvons pas faire cela.